Fong So’s Publication 出版物 (方蘇)

Fong So’s Publication 出版物 (方蘇)


After turning from journalism to art, Fong So has published nine art albums.



City Life: Paintings by Fong So. University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, 2000. (Published on the occasion of the exhibition “City Life”, hosted by the University Museum.)

City Life II: Hong Kong & Beyond (by Hark Yeung and Fong So). Hong Kong: Fong & Yeung Studio, 2003. (Published on the occasion of the exhibition “City Life II: Hong Kong & Beyond”, an exhibition of Hark Yeung’s photographs and Fong So’s paintings and prints.)

HKSAR: 10 Years On (Paintings by Fong So). Hong Kong: Fong & Yeung Studio, 2007. (Published on the occasion of the exhibition “HKSAR: 10 Years On” during Hong Kong’s handover anniversary. It’s an exhibition totally unrelated to any official events of the anniversary.)

My Family and My City: People and History (Paintings and woodcuts by Fong So). Hong Kong: Fong & Yeung Studio, 2009. (Published on the occasion of the exhibition “My Family and My City: People and History”, an exhibition of the portraits of the artist’s family and friends.)

The Centenary of China’s 1911 Revolution (Paintings and woodcut prints by Fong So). Hong Kong: Fong & Yeung Studio, 2011. (Published on the occasion of the exhibition “The Centenary of China’s 1911 Revolution” at three universities in Hong Kong.)

Umbrella Sketches: A first hand impression of the HK Umbrella Movement 2014. Hong Kong: Fong & Yeung Studio, 2014. (An album of 139 sketches documenting Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement (Occupy Central) in 2014. Amazon Kindle ebook published in June 2015 with four additional sketches; revised edition December 2021.)

44 Sketches of London and New York. Hong Kong: Fong & Yeung Studio, 2018. (An album consisting of sketches made by Fong So in 2015 while he was having exhibitions in London and New York with the writer/photographer Hark Yeung.)

The World after 1989: Paintings and woodcut prints by Fong So. Hong Kong: Fong & Yeung Studio, 2018. (A catalogue consisting of 49 artworks depicting some noteworthy developments of the world and Hong Kong after the 1989 pro-democracy movement in mainland China. Amazon Kindle edition (print replica) January 2022.)

A Defiant City: 239 sketches of Hong Kong’s mass protest movement 2019-20  Fong & Yeung Studio, 2020. (A collection of sketches recording Hong Kong’s anti-extradition movement in 2019-20, with short captions and a time-line of events. )  Ebook: Amazon Kindle edition, December 2021.


城市生活:方蘇繪畫 香港大學美術博物館出版,2000年。畫册由香港大學美術博物館出版,配合該館2000年主辦、名為「城市生活:方蘇繪畫」的展覽。

城市生活II:香港內外 (黑楊攝影 + 方蘇繪畫) 香港:楊方創作室,2003年。配合2003年名為「城市生活II:香港內外」的展覽。

特區十年 (方蘇繪畫) 香港:楊方創作室,2007年。配合名為「特區十年」的展覽。

我家我城:人與歷史 (方蘇繪畫及木刻) 香港:楊方創作室,2009年。配合名為「我家我城:人與歷史」的展覽,展品全為真人畫像。

辛亥百年現代路 (方蘇繪畫及木刻版畫) 香港:楊方創作室,2011年畫册由楊方創作室出版(附光碟),配合2011年「辛亥百年現代路」的展覽。此次展覽由香港三大學府提供展場。

雨傘速寫  香港:楊方創作室,2014年。收錄2014年香港佔領運動的速寫139張,附説明,英文版。2015年6月Amazon電子版 (Kindle edition) 增補圖片四張;2021年12月Amazon電子版修訂本。

44 Sketches of London and New York (倫敦紐約速寫44) 香港:楊方創作室,2018年。2015年,方蘇與黑楊在倫敦及紐約展出畫作及攝影,期間方蘇作速寫44張。

1989年後世事掠影 (方蘇繪畫及木刻版畫)   楊方創作室,2018 年。收錄作品49件,描繪中國大陸1989年民運之後的世界大事及香港的變遷。2022年1月Amazon電子版 (Kindle edition)。

抗命之城香港2019-20抗爭運動速寫239   楊方創作室,2020年。記錄香港反送中運動的系列速寫,附説明,英文版。2021年12月Amazon電子版 (Kindle edition)。
