What’s New 近訊

Online Gallery 網上畫廊 (July 2023)

Since January 2023, Fong & Yeung Studio has turned wholly into an online gallery. The Studio is no longer based in Hong Kong and the two founding artists, Hark Yeung and Fong So, have moved abroad. The Studio will remain operating online and the creative work of both artists will continue.


New Project 新系列 (Forthcoming) (September 2023)

Though being disrupted periodically, Fong So has been working on and off on a new sketch series about his life in a state of self-imposed exile over a period of three years. This series will comprise more than 120 sketches. The whole project will be compiled as a book with his own narrative and reflection about what he has been through after leaving Hong Kong. It’s not yet certain when the book will be published but it will eventually come out. Updates will be forthcoming.


Ebooks published 電子書出版 (January 2022)

Three Amazon ebooks by Fong So now available.


(1) A Defiant City: 239 sketches of Hong Kong’s mass protest movement 2019-20 抗命之城

Printed book: Fong & Yeung Studio, December 2020
Ebook: Amazon Kindle edition, December 2021
A Defiant City - Amazon US
A Defiant City - Amazon UK
Media Reports 傳媒報道
Hong Kong Free Press (04/03/2021)
Protest sketches by local artist not distributed in Hong Kong over security law fears
Apple Daily, Taiwan 台灣蘋果日報 (14/03/2021)
【微視蘋】畫作寫史、畫筆如刀 方蘇《抗命之城》描繪香港民主之淚
[Founded by Jimmy Lai in June 1995, Apple Daily was a newspaper published in Hong Kong. It was forced to cease operation in June 2021, as a result of a crackdown by the Hong Kong SAR government, including the freezing of its assets and the arrest of its founder and senior editors/writers. Shortly after that, the sister publication of Apple Daily in Taiwan only kept its online operation.]
HK-CNews 香港衆新聞 (28/02/2021)
A Defiant City 抗命之城
[On 2 January 2022, Citizen News, an independent Hong Kong news outlet, announced that “the worsening of the media environment” had made it impossible to go on without worry and that it would cease operation on 4 January. The announcement was made just a few days after the Hong Kong SAR government’s crackdown on Stand News, another independent online outlet.]

(2) Umbrella Sketches (Revised Edition)雨傘速寫
A first hand impression of the HK Umbrella Movement 2014
Printed book: Fong & Yeung Studio, December 2014
Amazon Kindle edition 2015, revised edition December 2021

Umbrella Sketches Revised impression Movement (Amazon US)

Umbrella Sketches Revised impression Movement (Amazon UK)

(3) The World after 1989 / 1989 年後世事掠影

Printed catalogue: Fong & Yeung Studio, December 2018
E-catalogue: Amazon Kindle edition, January 2022

The World after 1989 (Amazon US)

The World after 1989 (Amazon UK)

An exhibition catalogue prepared for exhibitions yet to come. Printed version published in December 2018. Ebook launched in January 2022.


Pandemic Woodcuts 大疫小輯 (December 2021)

A novel coronavirus (SAR-CoV-2) outbreak started in Wuhan, Hubei province, China in December 2019. It soon affected the whole world. In March 2020, after the World Heath Organization had finally declared it a global pandemic and named the infectious disease Covid-19, Fong So began to hole up in his studio for three months to make a series of woodcuts, of which nearly all pieces were about the coronavirus pandemic. (See Pandemic woodcuts in Portfolios)

201912月,湖北省武漢市爆發新冠病毒癘疫,症症迅速蔓延全球,世界衛生組織終於在 20203月宣佈疫情為大流行,並將新病毒 SAR-CoV-2 傳染病命名為 Covid-19 。大疫之下,方蘇開始閉門製作一個木刻版畫系列,這個為時僅三個月的系列多以癘疫大流行為題材。(作品集大疫小輯)


Last modified/updated: August-September 2023