Fong So 方蘇

Fong So is a journalist-turned artist. He was an editor of a current affairs magazine before turning to art. Despite his training in traditional Chinese painting and the media of brush and ink, both the content and the genre of his work are obviously different from those of traditional Chinese painting. He also works with woodcut prints and other media. His works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, South Korea, the UK and the USA. He has works in the collections of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Gwangju Art Museum in South Korea, and the British Museum in London. He has published nine art albums.

1951 Born in Canton (Guangzhou), China.

1962 Moved to Hong Kong.

1963-69 Studied Chinese painting with Professor Chao Shao-ang, master of the Lingnan School.

1970-74 Studied at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and graduated with a degree in social science.

1974-78 Schoolteacher and the co-editor of a magazine for secondary schoolteachers.

1979-80 Worked for Cosmos Books Limited, a publishing and book-selling company.

1981-98 Editor (1981) and later Managing Editor (1982-98) of The Nineties Monthly (The Seventies Monthly before 1984), a Chinese language current affairs magazine.

1985-96 Executive committee member of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (elected as vice-chairman for several terms).

1998 Turned from journalism to art.

2000-19 Works exhibited in Hong Kong and abroad.

2014-20 Worked on two sketch projects during Hong Kong’s two mass protest movements (the 2014 Umbrella Movement and the 2019-20 resistance movement).

2020 Left Hong Kong.

Fong So’s CV (PDF)


方蘇 原為新聞工作者,曾任時事刊物編輯十八年,現從事繪畫。他作畫採用傳統國畫的筆墨和工具,但題材和風格明顯地有異於傳統。他也製作木刻版畫及使用其他媒材。他的作品曾在香港、南韓、英國及美國展出。收藏他作品的機構包括香港藝術館、南韓光州美術館及倫敦大英博物館。他從藝之後已出版了九本畫冊 。

1951 生於廣州。

1962 移居香港。

1963-69 跟隨嶺南派畫家趙少昂教授學畫。

1970-74 就讀於香港中文大學。

1974-78 任職教師,兼爲一本中學教師刊物擔任編輯。

1979-80 任職天地圖書公司,負責出版及經銷。

1981-98 擔任時事刊物《九十年代》月刊(原名《七十年代》)編輯(1981年),1982至98年爲執行編輯。

1985-96 香港記者協會執行委員會委員(其中數屆當選爲副主席)。

1998- 重新繪畫。

2000- 畫作在香港及海外展覽。

2014-20 以速寫記錄香港兩次大型抗爭運動(2014的雨傘運動及2019-20年的反送中運動)。

2020- 離散海外。

方蘇簡歷 (PDF)