Hark Yeung and Fong So are two independent artists. They co-founded the Studio in 2000 as a publisher and worked with the University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong to launch Fong So’s first solo exhibition.
Hark Yeung (Yeung Wai Man, Hark Y) is a bilingual writer, photographer and an award-winning film maker. She has been a journalist for Chinese-language and English-language newspapers. Her books are published mostly in English. Her photos have been exhibited in Hong Kong, the UK and the USA. Her short film UmbrellaCity, a documentary about the 2014 Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong, has won the Award of Recognition in the Indie Fest Film Awards 2015. (See Hark Yeung in Artist)
黑楊 (楊慧敏) 從事中英雙語寫作、攝影及製作影片。她曾在中文及英文報章任職,書籍較多以英文出版。她曾遊歷亞、歐、美洲及格陵蘭等地,攝影作品曾在香港、英國及美國展出。2000年起,她主持楊方創作室,同時供稿給中英文報章,楊方創作室的展覽多由她策劃。2014年起,她攝製紀錄片,其中記錄香港2014年雨傘運動的短片 UmbrellaCity 曾入選多個國際性影展及在 Indie Fest Film Awards 2015 獲推介獎。
Fong So is a journalist-turned artist. He was an editor of a current affairs magazine before turning to art. Despite his training in traditional Chinese painting and the media of brush and ink, both the content and the genre of his work are obviously different from those of traditional Chinese painting. He also works with woodcut prints and other media. His works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, South Korea, the UK and the USA. He has works in the collections of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Gwangju Art Museum in South Korea, and the British Museum in London. He has published nine art albums. (See Fong So in Artists)
方蘇 原為新聞工作者,曾任時事刊物編輯十八年,現從事繪畫。他作畫採用傳統國畫的筆墨和工具,但題材和風格明顯地有異於傳統。他也製作木刻版畫及使用其他媒材。他的作品曾在香港、韓國、英國及美國展出。收藏他作品的機構包括香港藝術館、南韓光州美術館及倫敦大英博物館。他至今已出版九本畫冊。