HKSAR: 20 Years On 特區廿年

HKSAR: 20 Years On 特區廿年

HKSAR: 20 Years On

2007-17 / Total: 37 pieces of brush-and-ink paintings and woodcut prints / Exhibition: Online exhibition, June-July 2017 (Some old pieces featured in the 2007 series HKSAR: 10 Years On are also included. The new pieces appear in this series are mostly included in the series The World after 1989.)

In 2007, during the10th Handover Anniversary of Hong Kong, I launched an exhibition “HKSAR: 10 Years On” at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong. It was an art exhibition totally unrelated to any official events of the handover anniversary. In 2017, I was asked if I would do a sequel to mark the 20th Handover Anniversary. My answer was “yes” and “no” – “yes”, if an exhibition venue was available; “no” as it is not easy to solicit support to finance an exhibition project. Eventually, with no available venue and lack of financial support, I could only made an online show. For the “10 Years On” project, the title of my catalogue notes for the exhibition was “I have something to say”. And for the “20 Years On” project, I should say that “I have a lot more to say”. – FS


2007-17 / 作品: 35張,包括水墨及木刻版畫 / 網上展覽 2017 67月 (此系列選用部分2007年「特區十年」的作品,其餘多屬新作,新作大多列入另一系列「1989年後世事掠影」之内。)


Cover image
Turning Worse and Worse 
2013, ink and colour on paper 
水墨設色紙本二屏掛軸 in two hanging scrolls, each 179x97cm
Three Chief Executives of the HKSAR: Tung Chee Hwa (right) was succeeded by Donald Tsang (centre) in 2005, and Tsang by CY Leung (left) in 2012. Ever since he was selected to head the SAR, Leung has made himself the most widely hated person in Hong Kong. [Carrie Lam succeeded CY Leung after 2017.]

Project gallery 
1. The Totem and the Mascot 圖騰與吉祥物
2007, ink and colour on paper 
水墨設色紙本, 97 x 97 cm
During the 1997 handover of Hong Kong, an endangered species was officially used as a mascot.

2. Protect the Children 守護
2014, ink and colour on paper 
水墨設色紙本, 96x90cm
The SAR Government’s plan of revising a subject in schools to promote “National Education” met strong opposition from students and civic groups in 2011-12. The subject was opposed for “brain-washing” the students by praising the PRC regime on the one hand and denouncing Western democracy on the other.

3. The Big Stage (A Whole Month) 大台 (满月)
2016, ink and colour on paper 
水墨設色紙本, 179 x 97 cm
The over-two-month long occupation started on September 28. On October 28, the day to commemorate one month of the occupation, a rally was held in Admiralty, the largest occupied zone.

4. The Antagonism 撕裂
2017, woodcut 
木刻, 61 x 90 cm
It’s a story of broken promises. First they promised you something quite appealing. Then you kept asking for it, but they denied it again and again. Eventually conflicts broke out and Hong Kong was torn apart, casting the defiant to one side and drawing those collaborating to the other.

5. Give Us Hope 還我希望
2017, ink and colour on paper 
水墨設色紙本, 98 x 148 cm
A striking scene of the 2017 protest march showing support to the imprisoned young activists. The march’s banner: “Give hope to our kids. Give support to Hong Kong’s prisoners of conscience.”

6. The Blue Masks 藍面罩
2017, woodcut 
木刻, 61 x 90 cm
What this woodcut print shows is not a depiction of a carnival or a masquerade but a surrealistic allegory of Hong Kong’s reality. All those masked figures are given the same blue colour. It’s an apparent fact that they all agree in the dark.

7. The OC Trio 佔中三子
2014, woodcut 
木刻, 66x100cm
The three advocates of Occupy Central, a protest movement of civil disobedience planned before the 2014 Umbrella Movement to fight for real democracy and genuine universal suffrage in Hong Kong: Professor Benny Tai Yiu-ting, Professor Chan Kin-man and the Reverend Chu Yiu-ming.

8. The Vigil, I  燭光 之一
2016, ink and colour on paper 
水墨設色紙本, 69 x 94 cm
The 1989 pro-democracy movement in China was brutally suppressed. After the 1989 June 4 crackdown in Beijing, Hong Kong began its candlelight vigil on the anniversary day.