A Defiant City: 239 sketches of Hong Kong’s mass protest movement 2019-20

A Defiant City: 239 sketches of Hong Kong’s mass protest movement 2019-20

A Defiant City: 239 sketches of Hong Kong’s mass protest movement 2019-20

#A book dedicated to all real Hongkongers

The Album: This book is a pictorial album containing 239 sketches made by a journalist-turned artist recording Hong Kong’s 2019-20 anti-extradition movement, a mass protest movement resisting a law amendment aiming at extraditing people in Hong Kong to mainland China. The sketches compiled in this album covers events running from March 2019, when the extradition bill was introduced, up to January 2020, when the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic became a looming threat to Hong Kong and the whole world. With all sketches accompanied by short captions telling the five Ws: what, when, where, how and why, the book is almost a chronology of a historic resistance movement of the people of Hong Kong – Hongkongers. The physical book is published in December 2020, and the ebook (Amazon Kindle edition) in December 2021.
The Sketches: The whole collection of sketches is made on A3 size (29.5 x 41.5 cm) water-colour paper. The sketch project began in June 2019 after the one-million-plus and two-million-plus protest marches and ended in mid January 2020 before the beginning of the year of the Rat. The media used were pencil and felt marker (sign pen); colour was added with colour pencil and, occasionally, crayon. The sketches are mostly based on photos taken by the two artists of Fong & Yeung Studio and also from various sources online.
Two related stories: (1) Nearly all materials of the book were ready in February 2020, but the project was brought to a halt twice: the first time from March to June by the 2020 novel coronavirus pandemic which practically put the world into lockdown mode; and the second time from July to September by Hong Kong’s national security law which made it too risky for the printer to take the printing job. Eventually, the book could only be printed outside Hong Kong. (2) This is the artist’s second pictorial album about Hong Kong’s protest movements, the first one being Umbrella Sketches: A first hand impression of the HK Umbrella Movement 2014. It was published in December 2014, containing 139 sketches. Then four more pieces were added in 2015 in an Amazon e-book.
The publisher: This is a self-published book by Fong & Yeung Studio, an art studio and gallery of two independent artists. This book project is partially financed by friends who have lent their valuable support to the artist Fong So.

Physical book:
Fong & Yeung Studio, December 2020
Size: 17 x 24 cm; 256 pages
Contents: 239 colour illustrations; a brief timeline of major events
Availability: Sorry that all shipments of the book back to Hong Kong have been put on hold. Please contact Fong & Yeung Studio (fong@fong-yeung.com) for its availability. 

Ebook: Amazon Kindle edition: December 2021 / US$4.99 



這本畫冊收錄速寫共239張,作者原為新聞工作者,後轉為從藝。他在201920年香港的反送中運動期間,以速寫記錄了香港人面對苛政而奮起的抵抗。這場浩大持久的民衆抗爭運動,起因是當局意圖修例,移送「逃犯」給中國大陸。畫冊内的速寫,記錄的事件始於20193月底香港特區政府提出修例,至20201月武漢肺炎疫症來襲且危及全球而告一段落。239張速寫均附有文字解説,簡述有關事件的時地、經過及因由。此書是一個按時序編列的反送中運動圖文記錄,為真香港人記着一段不可忘卻的歷史。此書實體版202012月付梓,電子版(Amazon Kindle edition) 202112月出版。
速寫:全部原作使用A3 (29.5 x 41.5厘米)圖畫紙,以鉛筆及簽名筆手繪,設色時用顔色鉛筆或再略加蠟筆。20196月香港兩次大規模的示威(69日,超過一百萬人上街;616日,超過二百萬),啓動了作者這個速寫計劃,他一直畫到20201月鼠年降臨之前才告一段落。速寫的底本多數是照片,9月之前使用的照片以楊方創作室兩個合夥人採攝的居多,之後參照其他來源及互聯網上載的照片漸增。

Fong & Yeung Studio, 202012月出版
17 x 24 cm, 256  239 附文字說明及事件紀要
*抱歉此書實體版不在港發售。各地郵購請聯絡 Fong & Yeung Studio (fong@fong-yeung.com)

電子版:Amazon Kindle edition, December 2021 / US$4.99

Cover image (Book cover)
Sketch: Five demands, not one less. (New year’s day march, 1 January 2020)

Project gallery
First row
1. The first protest march against extradition to mainland China (31 March 2019)
2. The one-million-plus protest march (9 June 2019)
3. Tear gas outside the government headquarters (12 June 2019)

Second row
4. The two-million-plus protest march (19 June 2019)
5. Police firing at protesters in Sheung Wan; thugs attacking people in Yuan Long MTR Station (21 July 2019)
6. Police launching attack at commuters inside Prince Edward MTR Station (31 August 2019)

Third row
7. The battle in the Chinese University (11-13 November 2019)
8. The siege of Polytechnic University (17-30 November 2019)
9. The coming of the Year of the Rat (January 2020)